Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Twitter Policies

@anarchists on twitter:
  • Follow policy.I follow all,but reserve the right to unfollow spammers, url subverters, and posters of 80% plus commercial tweets in my timeline.I will follow commercial followers in my list . This serves the interests of those commercial followers, who will have their services better promoted by appropriate associates.
  • Promoters of legitimate tiered affiliate programs are advised to follow @AffiliateBridge an associate who specializes in this type of promotion.I do not engage commercially on twitter whatsoever.
  • Spam management: I consider unsolicited promotions of any commercial nature in @ mentions line or via dm to be spam. The keyword is unsolicited.I do not wish to know about the latest contest, trivia game or other gimmick you may have stumbled upon,or the next best way to make money.I earn all I need already and spend all my time on my already numerous interests.If you are promoting a particular cause, which is not focussed primarily on making someone or some organisation wealthy, please DM me :)
  • "Thanks for RTs" In keeping with my belief that "thank you" is an empty,hollow,valueless gesture,I look for tweets which you have sent which may be of interest to my,or other Tweeters to whose accounts I have access.I retweet you where your tweets are best placed.
  • "Follow Friday" I sometimes #ff but often put out #follow recommendations, and generally do not conform to #followfriday protocols-hey,I'm an anarchist!!
  • These are not rules, they are flexible policies which I freely choose to bend as I wish-again,I'm an anarchist.

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