Tuesday, June 1, 2010


@anarchists is the social network presence of broad anarchist interest, the interface between anarchist practicality and the world.For those looking for theoretic anarchist dialogue or definition,thats not my go- I'm a simple no bullshit believer in applying MY idea of anarchy to the social and eco spheres which are of pressing concern to myself and those around me, socially, professionally and on networks. 

 My concept of anarchy or anarchism is as "living anarchism" within the framework of "planetary justice". It is my personal belief, and may or not in any way coincide or collide with any other persons or groups perception.I do not wish to argue about definial pedanticisms- there are pressing constructive solutions to a multiplicity of issues to work on.

 Without further ado, let us unite on those things which bring us together in common cause, not divide on the things which tear us apart.

1 comment:

  1. The time is upon us...I want to say that it may be too late but I don't believe that with all of my heart. I call on any man who has witnessed the injustice or endured the inequities of our modern socio-political or socio-economic system. I have a plan to wake the sleeping militia and it starts with a heavy campaign geared towards the truth...what is the sleeping militia? I need not explain to educated men, and educated men are my main focus. I am a first generation arab man on my father's side, hailing from Morocco. However the descendants on my mother's side were scotch-irish slaves who won back their freedom and later fought alongside the very men who founded this country. I feel I have a duty, a responsibility to uphold the ideals and defend the sensibilities of my forefathers. The men and women who gave their lives to call america the home of their descendants, this is the sleeping militia. I call upon the righteous and the just...I call upon anyone who truly feels that all men, regardless of race or religion, and most importantly, economic status are created equal. We have sacrificed freedom for security and now we deserve neither. Please follow the anarchist page for future details regarding my plan...thank you for your time and even though I do not personally believe...may god bless you in all your endeavors if they be just.
