Friday, December 10, 2010

War to Defend Truth

  Defending the Truth & Wikileaks : by @RadioYerevan
 The Wikileaks Wars are being fought by the people in defence of the Truth, and the peoples right to know & use that truth. It is being waged at many levels, on the streets and internationally. Several are claiming to co-ordinate various actions and many may in fact be doing so - some may not. Our small group have been active internationally and online - sometimes in unison with others, at other times alone.

 We support all other actions taken by all other activists in support of both Wikileaks and its Founder Julian Assange. We support all efforts to secure his freedom.We also support the call for Bradley Manning to be freed.

 These businesses have closed services which Wikileaks had with their organisations- without reason. Assertions by various of them that Wikileaks have breached terms of service are based on the presumption that Wikileaks have broken laws in the relevant nations in which they operate. To our knowledge no charges have ever been laid against Wikileaks, much less proven. So the assertions taken as credible by these organisations are made by the very perpetrators (or their successors) of the lies Wikileaks exposes. 

The businesses are 

  • Ebay - Paypal .Paypal (owned by ebay) have frozen Wikileaks account in a cynical attempt to freeze Wikileaks funding. Action:: Close all paypal and ebay accounts. Permanently. ; Simply log on to site hourly -on the hour- using GMT as a baseline.go to the login page. Many people extra people logging on simultaneously causes overload AND COSTS THEM FINANCIALLY. It is NOT illegal to attempt to log in to their site.
  • Amazon -hosted,then denied Wikileaks hosting. A very big server bank and huge bandwidth.Action:: Same as for ebay paypal, but hourly on the half hour.
  • Visa:: hourly, at quarter past, based on GMT.
  • Mastercard: hourly,at quarter to based on GMT.
We suggest that those co-ordinating DDOS attempts co-ordinate with these times.

 We have in place an online strategy which is neither hacking (nor is it illegal) which we ask the public to support.

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